Ransomware attackers are growing bolder and using new extortion methods

by Esther Shein

“IT and OT environments are increasing targets and threat actors are using Dark Web forums to launch cybercrimes, according to Accenture’s 2021 Cyber Threat Intelligence report.
It’s hardly surprising that threat actors are pervasive and aggressive, but a new report finds in the first half of 2021, they have been testing new extortion methods, targeting critical infrastructure business operations continuity in particular. This was one of four key trends identified in Accenture’s 2021 Cyber Threat Intelligence Report.

The report also identified the rise of the Cobalt Strike, commodity malware invading operational technology from the IT space and Dark Web actors challenging IT and OT networks as the three other main cybersecurity trends. “
LINK: https://www.techrepublic.com/article/ransomware-attackers-are-growing-bolder-and-using-new-extortion-methods/